Sunday, December 28, 2008

Today's adventure in pictures

After my previous post/rant, the day went on...what a shocker ;) This afternoon, I ventured out in the city and captured a few images that I thought you would enjoy. I walked a total of ten, yes ten, miles and loved the atmosphere around me.

Lots more snow than TX

Just liked this picture

Christmas decorations

After a long day, brown rice, mozzarella cheese & tomato salad, and mixed berries were on the dinner menu.

Hope you all had a wonderful Sunday :) I know mine was sure full, but enjoyable at the end. Can you believe that Monday is tomorrow? Seriously! I think the weekend needs to be longer.

Have a wonderful evening!!!!


Lori said...

beautiful pictures! hope you enjoy the rest of your trip

CityMom, CountryMom said...

I feel soo out of the loop, just a quick "hello!" and hope you had a wonderful Christmas. It has been busy here with activities, working and of course waiting for CityMom's baby. Take care, love the pics!
CountryMom (Suzanne)

Liz (Loving Mom 2 Boys) said...

Great Pictures!! Hope you are able to sit back and relax a little!!

Beth E. said...

Hope you are able to get some rest tonight! Shame on the hotel management for not controlling the noise!

You are a great photographer...the pics are great!

Happy Monday! Think of me tomorrow...after a week off, sleeping in until 8:00 a.m. each day, afternoon naps, etc., I dread hearing the 5:30 a.m. alarm in the morning!!!!

amanda said...

looks so fun! hope the rest of your trip is fantastic.

Nicole O'Dell said...

Your blog is so cute! thanks for all of the support at mine!

Enjoy the trip!

Rachel said...

Just caught up with you and BOY did you have a busy week!

I hope you are getting some good rest. I am sorry about your uncle and I pray that he knew Jesus as his savior.

Beautiful pictures and I loved "walking alond with you" on that tour!

Have a wonderful week!

Lorie said...

MMMMM....that looks delicious!