When I was younger, I worked with an Occupational Therapist to help me identify when I had "sensory overload issues," fine motor issues, gross motor issues, and delayed skills. From cutting with scissors to button snapping to aiding in my handwriting. I found OT incredibly important to my life and how to learn what to do when I feel overwhelmed. OT was actually very soothing and helped me in my educational and social life.
To keep my hands busy, I use fidgits, thera-puddy, stress balls, manipulatives, and anything that will calm me down. It's just a sensory thing that helps me strive for excellence in the classroom and in life.
A few websites that I have found extememly helpful are for parents looking for sensory and OT related materials:
Fun and Function Thera-puddy, figits, manipulatives, special needs toys and sensory aids.
Autism shop Not just for autism: books, manipulatives, resources, and ideas for sensory and special education.
Southpaw Anything you need as far as OT related materials.
I don't consider myself weird, I just consider myself unique. There is nothing wrong with the way I learn or if I need figits to keep me calm.
It's just me!!
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