Thursday, May 6, 2010

Waiting, update, & a prayer request

I am sooo sorry it has been so long since I have last updated. Between 19 hours, projects, and finals this week, I have really not had time. BUT finals just finished today and I have a little time to blog now. Sure I am taking a Maymester class starting next Tuesday-but hey, it ain't 19 hours! I am officially DONE with taking so many hours!!!!

Now the waiting game continues as I wait for my final grades. I am usually a patient person but when something like this comes along, I am just ready for the results asap. It's like waiting for your favorite cake to come out of the oven :)

I have missed my blogging time and the sweet comments that I got so I am so glad summer is here, for me anyways!

Prayer request: Cochran Quads-Two of the Cochran quads are in the hospital with Rotovirus and two of the other little ones have it at home too. Never a dull moment for Sandra's kids. Keep them in your prayers please! They need them now!

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