Thursday, July 2, 2009

Finally starting to feel better & an update

Hi sweet peeps! Hope your not melting in this blessed summer heat! I am FINALLY starting to feel better! Hip, Hip, Hooray! I am still taking my nebulizer treatments several times a day, not sleeping much at night due to oral Prednisone, and yes, I still have thrush that has spread, but I am finally starting to feel better! YAHOO!

Update on grandma: She is still in the hospital receiving therapy and she and my grandfather (who is at home) still have a family member with them 24/7. The weight of the house and the responsibilities seems to be getting a little overwhelming for my grandfather and so my parents are stepping in to help. The entire family has done pretty well by rallying around my sweet grandparents as well. I will update more when I know more!

Thank you for your prayers, hugs, and well wishes. I really appreciate them!

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