Today is the day...Thankful Thursday that is. Click on the button to view more THANKFUL blogs! Bare with me today as it is a little emotional. It has been one of those days.
I am thankful for the blog Wind Beneath my Wings as the music on it has been exactly what I needed to hear today.
I am thankful to finally be moving this weekend. I am so ready to live in a rat free apartment.
I am thankful for 4 little men & girly twins as the mama has been so nice and sweet to me these past few days. Each time I comment, I seem to get a sweet and heartfelt reply. He blog has been under attach lately due to her expressing an interest in homeschooling next year. There is a certain anon blogger who keeps attacking her grammar and did mine yesterday as I accidentally said attach instead of attack. Her will and strength is amazing to me.
I am so thankful for sweet and uplifting bloggers. These past few weeks have been quite interesting and I have been amazed at the generosity you all have shown.
I am thankful for sleep. I am also thankful for lazy days too.
I am extremely thankful for finals being OVER. Right now, the wait continues for final grades.
I am thankful for a break before my Maymester starts Tuesday...even if it's only five days, it's something.
I am so thankful and excited to be able to review a book by Nicole O'Dell in August.
Hope you are having a great Thursday. Click on the button to see more Thankful Thursdays!
i need sleep so I can be thankful for it:) Yeah that you have gotten lots;) and boo for ppl attacking your blog and others! hate that!
Great List!
What is it with ppl bashing others and hiding in anonymity? Ugh!
Sorry you have to miss Mother's Day this year. Even though I'll be with family I'm not with my Mom, so I kinda know how you feel!
i'm thankful for YOU and all of your sweet, sweet comments you leave on my site! they always make me grin from ear to ear. love ya, girl!
I agree with Suzanne...I am so very thankful for you! You are so kind, so thoughtful, so are on fire for God, and it shows! Plus, you are just cute as a button! I wish we lived closer to one another. I'd love to give you some big ol' hugs. :o)
I hope that 4 Little Men and Girly Twins will change the settings on her blog, blocking anonymous comments. I have little patience for those who seek to attack others, showing their cowardice by hiding behind anonymity. I'll keep her in my prayers.
Of course, sweet Elyse, I'm praying for you, too...I'm so excited about your big move! You definitely need to be in a safer, healthier place.
Take care, sweet pea...keep that chin up!
Great list! I hear the somber tone in your voice, yet you are giving thanks for the good things. It's commendable. Don't listen to attackers...they have no validity. I'm going to go check out that blog you mentioned because I have the highest respect for homeschoolers--I wish I could do it.
And, Happy Thanksgiviny Thursday!!!
Such a wonderful list. We all have so much to be thankful for, even in the midst of stress and tribulations.
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