The library: a place where I spend 20+ hours a week in. Lately, the football boys have been there and have just given me a dose of comic relief that I need. I am so appreciative of those smiles, nods, and waves; more than they will ever know :) I also take the little girl I babysit there and we have a blast looking out the third floor windows at the boys, trees, birds, and so much more. M is a joy to work with!
Third floor Newsroom: For the past three days, the elevator has been broken; this means that I
Projects: I believe, really I do, that Elementary/Special Ed school needs to be renamed to project after project school. I am just above water right now and found out that I have THREE projects due next week with TWO on Friday, May 1st. Golly gee people! Finals are the week after that and then I have a weekend. After that I am in May-mester till May 29th. Looking at this right now seems like a bunch. But, as Mama Gen would say, CHIN UP! I am taking this advice too :)
Life in general: I am doing a neighborhood 5K on Saturday and a youth service project on Sunday. Plus homework, projects, and more uh projects!
I have been amazed at life's blessings around me and am extremely grateful for them all. Hope you are having a great Wednesday!

Hey Elyse,
Just wanted to make sure you checked out Kayleigh Freeman's blog today. It's a very sad day. =0( They need our prayers more than ever.
Secondly, I wanted to invite you over to do a "Memory Lane" post if you can think of one. I'm trying to get a new thing going over on my blog, so stop by if you get the chance!
Keep climbing those steps. It's good for ya! Keeps ya young and fit! ((even if it hurts))
Great update! Thanks for the fill in!
love all the info:)good luck at your 5k and service projects this weekend:) u are a busy busy girl:)
5K....go girl
Your doing great. I'm so proud of all your hard work and the many extra curricular activities you take on. You're a hard worker and there is nothing wrong with that!!
Bless your heart! Hang in there, girl. The end of your school year is right around the corner! Keep up the good work!
Love you...
I feel for you girl! I work at a university, and right now the students are running around with the end of semester drawing near! It can be a rough time. Praying for strength for you take it all in stride!
Oh I remember those days of living in the library! Good luck girl!!!
AWWWWWWWWWWWWW! You gave me a shout out!!! LOVE IT!!
Love the update too.. and just reading about all you have going on makes me tired!
Hang in there sweet friend, this too shall pass and then .. it will be summer!
Have fun in the 5k!
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