Today, America will swear in the 44th President of the United States. Aside from my/your beliefs, this day will go down in history. One because Obama is the 44th President and two because he is the first black President. I wish his presidency well and I will continue to pray for our nation as the change occurs.
If you have reservations about this presidency, pray. If you don't like a decision that will be made in the future, pray! All, I can do as a Christian, is pray and that is what I intend to do! Happy Inauguration Day
I agree with is an historical day. As much as I struggle over his philosophies and his experience (or lack thereof) I find myself caught up in the television's exciting to see so many people so excited.
But, you're so right...PRAY! No matter who is office, without God's hand of blessing and protection, this country would never have been what it is.
Girl, you said it right! It really doesn't matter if we agree with this change or not...all we can do it PRAY! And as we both know, this is no surprise to HIM...He knew about this day from the beginning...we will follow His plan! Hugs!
I'm praying for the safety of our new president and that God's hand be upon him as he makes important decisions regarding our country. I just might make this a daily thing.
Hope this week goes smoothly for you! :)
i also will be praying. it's our job and so very important.
. . . doing A LOT of praying . . . LOL
PS Your blog is so cute!
It was cool to watch it all unfold on TV today. But yes there will be prayer on my part about this nation and it's future.
Hey, thanks for dropping by my blog. I see we did 'similar' posts. Yours is better written, but still.
I agree we need prayer more than ever in this country of ours!!!
Romans 13:1.
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