Why is it that this semester (3 weeks down 13 to go) has been REALLY tough already? Seriously! My life has been turned upside down in a blink of an eye and I am actually adjusting well. Had an iceday on Tuesday and that kind of threw the whole organized and scheduled person off a tad. But at the end of the day, I enjoyed being able to chill!
I have had a few thoughts this week about the teacher program that I am in and the students who are wanting to be teachers: (warning: venting will occur a little :))** Stop being lazy...SERIOUSLY...if you want to be a teacher, then you have to stop complaining about the work and just do it! Do not make the work more because you don't like it. (Had a few students make the teacher change her mind more than once and I did 51 notecards for one chapter that I DO NOT need now)...ugh!
** Attitudes need to improve greatly. I have heard for the umpteenth time that Dr. H is awful or Dr. S needs to give it a rest. Give me a break people. The people who are preparing us for out teacher exams have taken them and are qualified. Yes some may be annoying or difficult to work with, but SO WHAT? Life is so much more than complaints.
** RESPECT: When someone is talking, do not talk while they are talking. Also, while a teacher (TRAINED PROFESSIONAL) is teaching, LISTEN...I am so tired of future teachers giving little to no appreciation for education. Seriously!!! Remember the do onto others rule in early childhood, well it still applies.
I have learned to reevaluate my priorities. Being someone who needs to stay busy; I tend to overlook my PACKED schedule and pile on so much. Well this week, I learned to say no and stick to my guns about it. Classes are going well this semester (so far)! I really like my professors and enjoyed an ice day on Tuesday as well. I am interested in how this semester will turn out since I am doing some of my major work (Early Childhood-6th and Special Ed). Some subjects will be more interesting than others-granted. But I am up for the challenge. This weekend's homework schedule will surely be my challenge and the procrastinating oppurtunity will be thrown out of the window this weekend :) Next week already looks busy and it's only the weekend before :/*******************************************************
There is this guy in one of my classes and he flaps his lips at the wrong times. Well, I am learning to deal with him and his very UNIQUE personality. He mumbles, goes off topic, and is a normal, 20-something year old guy. Even though I get a little ticked when he goes off topic to stall, I am learning to deal with him and not let him get to me like he did last semester! This is my goal: Do not let Mr. W get to me as much this semester. I am learning that it does no good what so ever to get mad at him. It only stresses me out more, and I have no extra room for extra stress.*******************************************************
** My heart has been deeply saddened with Tuesday's diagnoses and prognosis. Click on TUESDAY to pray for her family. Tuesday lost her battle today.** One of my blogging friends Jen has quad boys whose 2nd birthday is on Monday. Well, one of the boys, Clark, is in the PICU with breathing difficulties. Jen has been a HUGE supporter of mine and now needs prayers for Clark. Suz, a fellow quad mama, has updated on her blog since the Murray Crew is in the PICU. Check out SUZ's blog for more information!!!!! Click on MURRAY CREW to find out more soon.
** Nonni is still recovering from being in the hospital and your prayers are very appreciated :)
** One sweet little girl, Abby, is fighting hard against leukemia and her struggle at age 3 is incredible. Click on ABBY to learn more!
My heart aches as children are having to fight off disease after disease. Hoping that EVERYONE gets well soon and stays well.
One of my favorite quotes is by Winston Churchill and it states, "Never, never, never give up." Life is filled with CHALLENGES and STRUGGLES, but giving up will NOT solve anything. Thanks for all the sweet comments this week and supporting me! EVERY single one made my day so special!!!!
Hope you had a wonderful Friday and have a great weekend! Not Me Monday will be in full swing at the beginning of the week and do I have a few things I MUST share then. So stay tuned for that on Monday!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend
whew, I'm tired just reading your post; hope your semester goes well & you are able to meet all your challenges head-on & successfully; praying for you!
Great update!
ITA with you and your comments about the students of today. It's as if they don't realize that they are in training to be adults. I used to maanged a retail store and the college kids would QUIT their jobs if a party happened to be on a night they were scheduled! So, kudos to you for realizing how important this is.
I also agree with you about how sad it is that so many children are fighting these devastating battles with diseases. It seems like it's happening more and more.
Many prayers continue for your Nonni.
God bless!
You are going to be an awesome teacher! I am so impressed with your dedication to your studies.
It has also been heavy on my heart that all of these sweet kiddos are having to fight these battles so young. Cancer Stinks!! I will be praying for all of your requests. Thank you for sharing them with us.
I pray you have a great week:)
Hi! Had to drop by and let you know I have started a new blog about my journey into music ministry! Have yet to post, but will soon. Hope to hear from you! Take care!
Suzanne Wittman (formerly "CountryMom")
Glad you are learning to say no. I haven't heard about Tuesday until yesterday and hadn't made it to their blog yet. That is SO sad. I teared up without knowing the full story. Anytime a child is sick...it's just heartbreaking...
I think you have an amazing attitude and outlook on life...attributes that will help you achieve your goals in life!
Continuing to pray for your Nonni, and will also pray for the little children you mentioned. I'm with Julie...it tears me up when little children are so sick!
Praying for YOU, hoping that your weekend and week ahead will be great ones!
Love you,
Beth E.
Great update! I love that Churchill quote too!
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