Just the way he was acting caused me to guess and I was right on the dot. K had autism and was already upset because Healthy Approach was out of something he wanted. His mother tried to reason with him, but nothing helped. He just sat on the floor and screamed. Causing a sight, his mother looked embarrassed and kept apologizing. I asked the mother if there was anything I could do and knowing that she was on the brink of tears, I sat on the floor with the screaming K. The store was out of the food that he wanted, but I had a safe chocolate bar in my basket. Before I got on the floor, I asked the mother if I could see if this would advert his attention, she said it was worth a shot. So, I asked K if he wanted my chocolate bar, he said no at first, but then as I opened it, he said yes.
K was still upset with the fact that Healthy Approach was out of his food, but the candy bar in a sense saved the day. After he was given the candy bar, I asked him what was wrong and he told me. I asked him if he liked the candy bar and he said yes. After settling down, he got up and headed for the door. His mother looked at me in shock that her son responded to me, thanked me, and left with her son.
It was my turn next to check out and the woman who checked me out asked how I knew and I told her that "I just knew that K had autism." I have never met this family before and probably will never see them again. I am just glad I was there to help with the situation.
Today was a sign that I am meant to be a Special Ed teacher. No circumstance in perfect as life is not perfect, but being able to help a child is my goal and today it was reached. In the future, I plan to help kiddos and I understand that some may react differently than others, but the way I come off as an individual does/will pacify the situation at hand.
Enjoy the kids who make life special
Simply amazing! Thank You God that You placed Elyse in this very store at that very moment! Praise God for the mighty work You did! Thank you Elyse for listening to what God was calling you to do for Him! What a blessing you were today!
Wow! It is awesome to hear that your break turned into God giving you joy and a confirmation of His plans for you. For some reason, this story reminds me of a quote, "An adventure is and inconvience rightly considered."
You are awesome!
What a huge blessing you were to that mom. I'm sure she will never forget you.
Wow! Good for you! You will be a blessing to so many kids!
You will make a great teacher. That's awesome that you were able to help that little boy. Doesn't sound like a coincidence to me that you were there at the same time they were. :)
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F.Y.I. I deleted the last comment. There was an error, and being a teacher, I needed to fix it.
Well, I "just know" that you are going to be an AMAZING teacher! This story gave me goosebumps. I'm sure you already know this, but I'm a general education teacher. I have the utmost respect for those who are speial educators. It is an awesome gift to be able to give a sense of peace or teach coping skills to a child who is in conflict with his or her self and/or their environment. I am so happy you're going to do this. Your students will be blessed to have you in their lives! Way to go girl!
awesome. i have a heart for 'special needs' kids as well and am searching a way to 'fill' that. i was going to school for special ed until god led me to not go back to school and instead i've become a wife and mommy. but i am always looking for those opportunities. i'm glad god blessed you with such a beatiful heart towards them.
this story actually brought tears to my eyes... my husband has Asperger's and often tells me how he felt singled out (he has two siblings) and misunderstood by his family because he wasn't diagnosed until he was a teenager... they thought he was just a bad kid... since getting married (and starting counseling) we have dealt with alot of these issues and stories similar to this... thank you so much for sharing it with me...
Way to go Elyse!! For listening and understanding the promptings from a loving Heavenly Father. You knew you could help and you acted accordingly. GOOD FOR YOU!
Wow, that is awesome! Sounds like you are truly following God's calling for you!
What a beautiful post and a great reminder to appreciate all we are given.
Being a mother of a child with autism, I know how important it is as a parent to not feel judged in that situation. I, as well as, K's mother are grateful for you Elyse.
Thanks for your comment on my post about comments....just to clarify....I have not officially received a negative comment YET (I'm sure I will at some point), but I have read several blogs who have published really hateful comments from readers. I am just shocked and surprised at how unkind people can be....
What a mighty God we serve! You were placed in that store at just the right time to help that poor mother and frustrated little boy. Praise God for His perfect timing, and praise God for YOU. :o)
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