Friday, December 19, 2008

It's the CHRISTmas season...

It is so easy to forget what CHRISTmas is truly about with all the hustle and bustle to prepare that perfect night and day the media raves about. What person does not want that money or toys? But remember our Savior, Jesus Christ who died for our sins, and who was born in a manger on Christmas. Some may say that HE was not born on Christmas or HE is not real...but this is not what I am talking about. I am talking about worshipping HIM who was born in a manger on that cold eve. I am talking about Mary, his earthly mother birthing the son of God, I am talking about the three Wise Men who followed the Star to the manger. Jesus did not choose where HE was born nor did HE choose his earthly parents...GOD, our Heavenly Father chose Mary and Joseph as HIS worldly parents. HE (GOD) chose those three wise men for a reason and HE (GOD) chose life of JESUS.

GOD chose you and me to be born on this earth and I am truly thankful. I am very thankful for JESUS and all that HE did for me. REMEMBER CHRIST during the CHRISTmas this year. Wishing you and your family a very Merry CHRISTmas season and holiday. Enjoy your preparations for the day of CHRIST and enjoy your sweet family and friends. HE will see you through! Merry Christmas to YOU!!!!



What a nice post :)

Tobi said...

Okay I don't believe that Christ was born on Dec. 25th. But I do believe HE IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON.

Thanks for posting this. I really enjoyed reading it.

amanda said...

beautiful. and even more beautiful savior.

Beth E. said...

Amen! Thanks for posting this. :o)

Lorie said...