Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Prayers needed & a heck of a day

LONG post have been warned!

This morning at 3:30....the phone rings. Now when someone calls you that early a few ideas run through your mind. Something bad has happened, someone has died, or there was an accident. Well it was the first one, even though we all thought someone had died. My grandmother slipped and fell on her right hip. The ambulance showed up at my grandparents home at 3:40am to take her to the hospital. My grandpa rode along.

At 6:30, we get another call. Apparently my grandparents had called a few people and not called them back. So it was one of our good friends checking in and driving to the hospital to check on Grandma and Popsie. Around this time, my dad starts packing his bag to head to Houston. Then the phone rings again at 7:30...grandparents are in the ER and friend is with them. Dad leaves for Houston shortly after.

Several times throughout the day, we have been updated by either mom calling dad or vice versa. It has been one of those phone ringing off the hook days.

At 11ish, Grandma is taken into surgery and when I call dad at 12:30, she was still in surgery. I am not for sure how long the surgery lasted but I do know that Grandma woke up in a BUNCH of pain and they could not give her anything until the anesthesia wore off. Grandma had a total right hip replacement after breaking her hip. They were going to do screws, but decided not too.

My dad sent the cousins and friends home after Grandma woke up b/c she was a little out of it and needed to rest. Please pray for my family and my grandparents as they go through this upset right now. Grandma is supposed to be in the hospital till Saturday and then do 2 months of therapy...tentatively.

Here's the kicker: My brother and dad are headed out of town on Saturday night to head to the Boy Scout camp in New Mexico. They don't return until next Saturday or Sunday. OH DEAR! My brother is supposed to be packed by tomorrow evening for Boy Scout inspection, so mom, sister, and I are working on the packing part for both brother and dad. My mom is on stand-by in case she needs to go help my grandparents as well.

Thank you in advanced for your prayers!!!!


Heather Marie said...

Wow girl...I am so sorry to hear about your grandma's surgery! I will say a prayer for her and your family.

Mama Kat said...

Oh no!! We are dealing with grandparent accidents too. My Grandpa is still recovering from a broken leg and it really is around the clock care that is required. Your poor Grandma!! I just hope they were able to give her something to relieve her of the pain!! Praying!

Mama Kat said...

Oh no!! We are dealing with grandparent accidents too. My Grandpa is still recovering from a broken leg and it really is around the clock care that is required. Your poor Grandma!! I just hope they were able to give her something to relieve her of the pain!! Praying!

McCrakensx4 said...

That is awful. praying for you all and for grandma's speedy recovery.

♥ bfs~"Mimi" ♥ said...

That's horrible. And a painful fall, too. I pray that healing will be quick. Sounds like your family has a lot of challenges right now. Prayers lifted.

Courtney and the Boys said...

I'll certainly pray. My Grammy had a stroke last week and now can't swallow, so she was moved to a nursing home yesterday. I'd love your prayers for her, too. :)

d.a.r. said...

Praying for all of you!!!

Aunt of 14 said...

OOOH, I'm sorry about Grandma! I do like that you call your grandfather Popsie. That's so cute! :)

You've got my prayers through and through. Hang in there! And keep us posted. We worry about you too, you know!

Suzanne said...

you got it babe! MANY prayers for your Gma and family. bless her heart. i'm so sorry!

Liz (Loving Mom 2 Boys) said...

Oh your poor Grandma!!! You are all in my prayers right now!! What a tough thing to deal with.

jag said...

Aw, I'm sorry girl. Praying for your grandma.

Beth E. said...

Oh, Elyse, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother's accident and surgery!

Please know that I will be praying for her and your entire family.


Hurricane Heather said...

Saying a prayer for Grandma and the rest of the family. God be with you.

Sneaky Momma said...

I have said a prayer for your dear grandmother and for you and your family as you try to figure out her care situation. Hang in there, dear. :) said...

praying for your grandmother and for safe travels for your family...

i'm so sorry to hear this

The Drama Mama said...

Oh my word, Elyse!!! I am so sorry to hear all of this...we are praying for your sweet family! Let me know if there is anything else I can do! HUGS!

E @ Scottsville said...

Wow, sounds like my day! My 11 year old niece was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis this morning. We thought it was 'growing pains'. Ugggh.

And my grandparents were in a car wreck this weekend. My grandfather broke his left clavicle and his bloodwork shows that his bones are too weak to attempt surgery. So he just has to stay in pain. =0( He's 82 and his body is failing him, but not his mind. I just adore him!!!

I sure hope your grandmother is feeling better VERY SOON! I'll be praying for you all!

Nicole O'Dell said...

I'm so sorry! My prayers are with you guys. I just saw your tweet that she's not doing well now. I'm really lifting you all up in prayer.

Blessings, sweet friend.