Tuesday, April 7, 2009

You know what...

**Update** You know the ITCHINESS that was bugging me tonight, well, I have stinkin chiggers on both legs...yahoo for me ;)**

It is one in the morning, no lectures please! I have tried my normal bedtime routine, showered, drank milk, and nothing I have no idea why seems to be working. I have taken my medicine, taken a little benedryl for allergies which are killing me by the way and nothing is working. I want to sleep! I am tired and wish I could just close my eyes and sleep, but no, I have insomnia and it has a MIND of it's OWN! You know what else, I have BAD allergies and they are becoming of the best with me right now...seriously! Red, itchy eyes ALL the time...ITCHY all over>>ALL THE time! When will the allergies end you ask, probably never! since they are YEAR Round GRR, GRR, GRR! Sorry to be a downer but this is REAL life now...


Rachel said...

Sorry Kiddo.

When I get hit with insomnia... I start my list of people I need to pray for. Trying to remember those ones that I haven't heard from in awhile and need to remember to catch up with.

And as I go down that list, I usually fall asleep with thoughts and prayers for them on my mind.

Sweet dreams, whenever they do come! :)

Beth E. said...

Chiggers???!!! Ugh...I used to get those when I was little...they itch like crazy!!! Buy some Campho-Phenique (sp?) at the drug store and dot it on the spots...it really helps!

I know all about the insomnia stuff, too. Praying you'll have a better night's sleep tonight. :o)

Cecily R said...

Yeesh. Chiggers are the worst. I remember being attacked my those suckers when we lived in Texas. Gives me shudders just thinking about them!!

And thanks so much for your nice comment on my guest post on Angie's blog last week!