I wonder why people are cruel to others...
I wonder why parents don't parent their children...
I wonder why kids do not understand certain concepts...
I wonder why HE gave his life for me...
I wonder why HE is the ultimate power and authority...
I wonder why so much bad happens in the world...
I wonder why HE blesses some and not others...
I wonder why I am given strength to live each day beside HIM...
I wonder why people do not love their neighbors...
I wonder why children are abandoned and/or abused...
I wonder why some children have harder lives than others...
I wonder why babies have to suffer...
I wonder why some children will never know HIM...
I wonder why Jesus Christ suffered pain for my sins...
I wonder why/how HE knew I would sin...
There are so many wonders in the world and I do not have the answers. I wish I could explain all of my wonders; yet I can not. An unforeseen event occurred tonight and I will not go into it. This event caused me to write this post. I can not answer every problem with a solution since I am not the ULTIMATE God. HE does know all the answers and over the next few days I plan to dive deeper into HIS word to find meaning to some of my wonders.
I'm sorry you are dealing with this unfortunate situation.
I think you came to the perfect solution though, by seeking His Word. For we are reminded that "all Scripture is God-breathed" (2 Tim 3:16). He has wrote the words we would need to be comforted and guided. When I find myself in a similar situation, I find myself repeatedly turning to Isaiah 43:2-3
"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior."
I'll be praying for you these next few days, as you seek the answers you're looking for.
Hi Elyse -
Nikki's verse is one of my favorites and definitely a good one to reassure us that God will not let us be overwhelmed past what we can bear with Him.
About one of your "wonders"... I have to say I believe that God blesses EVERYONE. In many different ways. Many people may seem blessed in undeserving ways, but we don't know the big picture and don't see that everyone also has personal struggles.
I pray that God blesses you with guidance in whatever circumstance you face.
Sweet dreams!
Elyse, Praying that you find what you are looking for. God is in control all the time even when we feel like we are spiraling. He knows what will happen before it does. We may not know why at that moment, but it is not for us to know, only for Him. Praying for you sweet friend and hoping you have the peace you are seeking.
I hope you had a good weekend. Hubby and I met at ACU. That's why I asked about your school town...I love that place! The wind - the sand that blows and keeps your teeth clean - the feeling of home. It was our first home. ♥
praying for you my friend. and i think we will first understand god when we see him face to face. god is good always. he sees us through all the crazy stuff good and bad.
i also wanted to let you know i'm giving away some things on my blog, i noticed you hadn't commented, and since you're always such a faithful friend/commenter, i wanted to let you have that chance!!
Sorry you're dealing with this turn of events...I think we'll always wonder about things...we're human. But it's nice to rest assured in the knowledge that He knows why and is in control. We can just live our lives according to His word the best we can and lift each other up in Christian love.
Happy Monday!
Praying for you, hun! Hugs!
Nikki's scripture choice is a favorite of mine, too! And, I agree completely with what Rachel said.
In the earthly realm, we tend to look at situations with tunnel vision - from our perspective, only. In actuality, we are only seeing part of a very big picture. God has a plan, and though we may not always understand, we have to trust that HE loves us and knows what is best for us.
Praying for you, Elyse!
praying for you
.......seek.ask. and you shall find.
Hey Elyse,
Praying for you in this time! Hope things look up as you trust in HIS sovereignty and believe that HE is good and does all things according to HIS purposes!
I'm 35 and I don't know the answers either, Elyse. Things that make ya go "Hmmmmm", right?
As for your question on my blog... my oldest has already moved out, and my 2nd was visiting his bio-mom for Easter. He doesn't see her too often, but she came and got him for the weekend. =0(
It doesn't bother me so much anymore, it was hard when they were littler. Now, they know who "MOM" is.... she's just a "relative" to them, and I'm mom.
Thanks for stopping by. Hope your night gets better!!!
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