Starting off with my Nonni, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all of the prayers. She is still in the hospital and ALL of her doctors have been called in because of the pneumonia and now her heart is giving them worry. She has had heart trouble for a while now and they are concentrating hard with it now as well. She is still on Oxygen and getting a little stronger each day. No date has been set to when she is coming home though. Right now, I believe the hospital is the best place for her.
Then there is a baby girl (21 months) who I babysit for. Girlie spent the night in the hospital last night and was given antibiotics and fluids. On Tuesday, she had what her parents thought was a virus, but after 72 hours of not being able to keep anything down, they took her to the doctor who sent them to the hospital for Rotavirus. They released her today, but she is on strict orders to only have Gatorade and crackers/pretzels. She is still very weak and out of it too. She is still experiencing tummy troubles too. I actually saw her in the hospital last night and she is not herself. I am hoping that she turns the corner very soon.
I also know that there are lots of other babies/kiddos who are sick and I am praying that they feel better soon. Having/seeing a child sick is NOT an easy task and I PRAY they all are healed soon.
Praying Hard for all to heal
Thanks for the updates! I am still praying for you and your other prayer requests. At least it's Friday, girl...I hope you have a restful weekend! Hugs!
We actually canceled a play date because the other family had stuffy noses this week! I definitely don't want my boys getting sick.
Thanks for the update on your Nonni. Sorry to hear about the little girl. I'll be praying for both!
It is so hard to hear of all these sick children. I'll be praying right along with you and everyone else.
Continuing to pray for your Nonni. I will add the little girl to my prayers, too.
Thanks so much for praying for ME! Still dealing with some pain/spasms, but they are better than they were. :o)
Praying for your Nonni! That Rotovirus can be bad stuff...a few of my kids have been hospitalized with that in the past....not fun at all! I'll say a prayer for her as well.
Thanks for prayers for my friend.
Elyse, you know Nonni is still in our prayers as well as you. We will pray now also for the little sick one. God Bless you.
Love and Prayers,
Praying for Nonni and Little Girle with Rotavirus. Sorry you've had so much worry lately. Praying for you too.
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