Lorie awarded me with this bloggy award a while back and I am just now getting around to posting it. Thanks Lorie :) I am going to give a few of you with this award because of your constant encouragement and support through the THICK and THIN. Here are the top 1o people who make my day a little easier with their comments. If you are not on the list, I STILL appreciate you VERY MUCH! I am supposed to only pick a few, so I evened out at 1o.
Julie @ Tale of 2 Ts
Lisa @ Journey through infertility
Jill @ Sneaky Momma
Gen @ McNulty Quads
Amanda @ Proud Mommy of 4
Lindsey @ Learning to be a Wife
Emily @ Living our own Fairy tale
Tim and Carey @ Fort Thompson
Rachel @ Little Bits of Heaven
Beth @ Outnumbered, Three to One
you are such a doll, thank you so much!
You know you are always gonna be our girl! We love you so much and all are still in our prayers.
Thanks so much for this award, it means so much coming from you. It is so strange that I just happened to see this as I am about to post one for you too!! So it should be up shortly so watch for it!
Love and Prayers as Always,
Thanks so much Elyse! You're such a sweetie. :)
Thinking of you and your Nonni...
Thank you Elyse... You are too kind!!
Thanks so much for the award! Yep, I hurried and got it posted in my 15 minutes online time limit! You should've seen these fingers a-flyin'! lol
Congrats on the award sweet girl!
What a pretty award! I like how that one looks. Very girly :)
Thank you so much! You're too sweet! I love leaving you comments and I'm glad that they help make your day! :)
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! You are such a sweetheart!
AHHHH THANK YOU!!!! You just made my night.. and after the weekend I have had.. that is a HUGE thing!!
You are such a sweet heart and always lift up my spirits with YOUR comments!
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