**Update** It is not just a 24 hour bug I have found, so geez this weekend will be so much fun (dripping with sarcasm)! From what my sweet commenters have said, this is hopefully a 48 hour bug...seriously now...I pray it is because I do not know how much more I can take. You moms out there who have kiddos sick at the same time, you do a wonderful job...seriously! Also, to all you moms (as well as Beth) who have given me advice, I am taking it slow and eating/drinking ice water and Gatorade. Apple sauce and water have been my best bets today too. Thanks for the support!
Ok, so I do not want to disgust you at all, but you know that virus, you know the one that kills the system and you feel like the dirt that is run over...I have it. The achy muscles, fever, cramping, tiredness, and the tummy issues. I have it! I am not looking forward to this :( I am hoping that this is a 24 hour thing, so I am off to rest! Geez, this had to hit the first week of the semester! Not nice at all!
Oh, yuck! I'm so sorry you are sick! I hate stomach issues! I'm praying for you right NOW. Ice chips or small sips of water, okay?
Oh hun...I am so sorry you are feeling so miserable right now!! I hope it passes quickly!!
That is no fun! Hope you feel better soon!
Hope you are feeling better real soon!! Uh yeah, I know all about those bad tummy issues - YUCK!!
Praying that you are feeling much better soon. Get plenty of rest. (It can be done even with boys) :)
I am so sorry you're sick. Hope it doesn't last long and you are better very soon.
I'm sick this week too. One those wonderful respitory things that I do.
I know this will pass, but it lousy while going on.
Hope yours goes away super fast and you don't fret too much about your work.
Always in my prayers
Much Love,
Oh wow Elyse, we are praying for you sweety. Your the last person that deserves to be sick. We will be lifting you up that He will rid your body of its disease and completely and quickly heal you.
Love and Prayers,
So sorry!! That is miserable! Sending lots of prayers and hugs your way!
The sooner you get it the sooner you will be done with it this year. My secret weapon is Dramamine. I don't know why but it halts the tummy issues in it's tracks! Take one and sleep your sickness away.
You poor thing! Hang in there girl! I hope your feel better soon.
Oh No!! You poor thing!! Rest, rest, rest! Hopefully it is only a 24 hour bug. I don't understand why these things always hit on a weekend...
I hope you feel better soon. :)
feel better soon! praying.
So sorry Elyse! Get well very soon!
Get well soon!
I have something for you at my blog.
Hello! I just wanted to thank you(belated) for stopping by my blog back in December. I hope you are feeling better soon. Nothing worse than the "crud".
Praying you are feeling better. Seems like there is so much going around. Get some rest!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I found you through Amanda's blog (aproudmommyof4). I hope you feel better soon! Being sick is never any fun, especially since classes just started again.
Hang in there!
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