As for me, I am at a National Convention through the 31st. I received a call from the bank today that some charges that I DID NOT make were on my debit card. Well...long story short, my debit card has been cancelled and a new one has been ordered. Someone stole my number and charged over $500.00 worth of goods on it. So guess what? I get to file an investigation when I return home...yippee...NOT.
Hope you all are having a better day than I am and are enjoying your weekend. Thank you in advanced for praying. This means so much to me :)
Thank you
Oh, sweetie, I'm continuing to pray for God's complete and perfect will for your uncle.
What a terrible thing to happen with your debit card! I'll be praying for you, too.
I'm so sorry about your Uncle and about your debit card. There are some serious creeps out there in the world. Along with a lot of nice people too.
Awwe... I'm sorry you're having a rotten day. Continuing to pray for your uncle, family, and now the debit card issue. Praying also for a better tomorrow.
Praying for you and your uncle. Hang in there, dear. :)
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