Friday, December 12, 2008


Thank goodness it is Friday...I have learned a few things today that I thought I would share. I actually like down time now. If you read yesterday's post, I was like a deer in the headlights with nothing to do. But then something not know what...but life was a little nicer today.

I worked this morning then went to run errands and run to Target just to look around. I got a magazine and then went to Hastings and got another magazine to read. Then I grabbed a salad and came back to my apartment. NOW, I am in bed blogging. I actually like all this downtime. I like no stress and LOVE being able to sit and relax for just a little bit. I love the feeling and will take hold of it today! Thanks for all of your kind words and encouragement over these last few days. I am learning to relax again and it feels great!

Have a wonderful evening!!!!


Julie said...

Enjoy your time to relax!

Beth E. said...

Mmmm...that sounds like a wonderful day!