This morning in church, my pastor spoke on the importance of loving all. This hit home for many families and I had the pleasure of talking with them today. It saddens me that the XXISD school system does not work with a child's needs and differences. It saddens me that these children are struggling because they don't test well enough. It saddens me to watch their parents/grandparents go through these struggles. This whole situation saddens me. Life for parents/grandparents of Special Ed students is NOT a piece of cake and some school systems work better than others.
Having been through this particular system eight/nine years ago, things do not seem to have changed. This BREAKS my heart. I understand protocol and testing...but come on...when there is a developmental/behavioral/physical problem with the something! This is one of my MAIN reasons to become a Special Education teacher...I want to break through some of this nice (NOT) Red Tape and help those in need. Children do not deserve to be breezed over because they do not test well. This must stop. Every child deserves the right to learn and with the whole support of parents and the school, a child's success rate is higher.
Sorry if this sounds like a just needed to be written. I care SO MUCH for Special Education and its students and do not want children to endure what I did. Every child is unique and has his/her own problems. So what! Everyone was made by HIM and we, as people, have no control over HIS plans. HIS plans allow us to become prepared for life and sometimes it is challenging or scary...but with HIM...ANYTHING is possible.
Another GOOD post straight from the heart. Believe me my dear, you WILL make a difference. As always, I so admire your strength, determination and focus. Very proud of you, my sweet girl.
Amen, sister! I totally agree with you. Standardized testing has become the main focus of the school system.
The states put pressure on the school systems, the administrators put pressure on the teachers, the teachers put pressure on the students..."No Child Left Behind. "Are you kidding me?! Seems that EVERY child will be left behind with this type of education system. Kids who know all about other countries, but can't even tell you their own address...they are experts on using a calculator but can't calculate any math in their heads?! Oh, don't EVEN get me started on this one!
I'm so glad you have such a heart for the students. You will make a difference in their lives, praise God. :o)
I am thankful for the passion you want to put into your teaching. There are so many teachers out there that just don't care or really like kids!
it is a shame that we have a created a school system that tries to be one size fits all. it just doesn't work and so many are left behind or forgotten. i think that together, parents and teachers, we can change things!
Very well said!!!
I could tell you were in SpEd.
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