Monday, December 29, 2008

I jumped on the Twitter bandwagon

Just for kicks, I jumped on the Twitter bandwagon about an hour ago. Since some of you are curious about my life, you can see what my daily happenings are right under my about me/profile section.
To answer all of your questions...I got more than four plus hours of sleep last night. My boss was called and she was NOT happy at 3ish this morning...who would be? My plan is to get up at 6AM, so I better get ready. Thanks for all your encouraging comments over the past few days.
Update on Stellan...he has RSV and is in the PICU. MckMama is at the hospital with him now and could use all of your prayers. This is a very sweet and loving family who has an eight week old in the hospital!

Sweet Dreams....


Suzanne said...

hey woman! just wanted to say thanks so much for the sweet comment!!! somehow i accidentally clicked reject instead of publish-- grrrr....much love! suz

rachael said...

heading over to follow you on twitter :)

Live.Love.Eat said...

Hi there. I wanted to thank you for the blogby and saying hello. I am still playing catchup from being offline since Xmas eve. Hope you had a wonderful holiday. I will pray for the family with the little baby in the hospital. It's heartbreaking.

Happy New Year!