Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Great...just Great

Today is another day and I am already exhausted. I did not get very much sleep at all last night. I do not understand why, but I can take a guess: maybe it was because I had to use the restroom every, yes every hour, or maybe it was because the people upstairs had their TV on LOUD, or maybe it was because I was thirsty a bunch last night. Whatever prevented me, I do not like it one bit.

Therefore, I gave up trying to sleep at 5, yes 5AM and am now doing homework. Uh...it will be a long day and I already know it. Wanna hear/read the best part? I have a meeting at 9pm that I MUST attend and can not get out of...can you say long day? I know this is not very fun to read and I am sorry. Wish I could be a little more entertaining today ;)

So maybe I can give you a little something other than a rant...here I go...I am adding a few things that happened last night while I was at work and a few things from the wee hours for my Not Me Monday addendum.

** A 3.5 girl did not slap her hand over my mouth because she did not want me to sing with her.
** I did not make my own cup of Chai tea at 3am.
** The 3.5 year old did not throw a pillow at me because she was mad.
** A 5.5 month old that I work with is not totally in love with a dog toy and will suck on it for ever. She is also not crawling at 5.5 months.
** I did not watch a few movies on TV during the wee hours because I could not sleep.

Today is another day and I am hoping for the best. Hope everyone had a better night sleep then I did.

Have a wonderful Tuesday!!!!


Courtney Kay said...

I am so glad you didn't have a day like that... cause if you did that would be sad! praying for you!

Beth E. said...

Sorry you couldn't sleep! Watch out for caffeine throughout the day. Don't drink any past noon. See if that helps any.

On a brighter note...I bet you will sleep really well tonight! :o)

Julie said...

I can't believe you drank 8 cups of coffee the other day!! No wonder you're up early today...it's still in your system! :)

Can you please send me your "urge" to clean? I'm SO unmotivated.

Hope your day doesn't feel as long as you expect! Maybe you can squeeze in a nap sometime?

Emily said...

hope u get more sleep tonight and have a better day today!!!

Harris Boys said...

Hope tonight you get some more rest! take care

rachael said...

i hope you get some more sleep tonight!

Devin said...

Hi there! I stopped by to check out your blog and I love it! I will be back, for sure. Isn't not me Monday theraputic? I've never done my own post, but I love love love reading everyone else's! hee hee

Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog--hope you'll pop by us again!

Liz said...

hey, but you should sleep like a baby tonight!