Brother boy loves, I mean adores, the pool. Each day, during the Summer in Texas he is in THE POOL. He giggles and grins when he splashes you, dumps water on you, or even better...pushes you in the pool. But we all get a kick out of him. He spends hours in the pool and is so content. What a boy!
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PS...if you have not read the previous post, go was an interesting day
at Wolly-world!
I don't blame him, it sounds like he has a great time swimming!
We LIVE at the pool too!
I am sure everyones ww is about the pool! Yes it is nice to finally get swimming
There's nothing better than the pool during summer!
Happy Wordful Wednesday!
I can't think of a better way to spend the day.
We love the pool too! Colin is my swimbug!
Yep, sounds like a lot of boys (and men) I know.
Happy WW!
Who can blame him? We love the pool too!!
In Texas it is the only way to stay cool!
I'm still learning how to swim. The irony is I live on an island and yeah, everyone finds it odd. lol Happy WW!
Mine is here -> Mariposa's WW
Great summertime picture! My daughter is in the pool so much, she should be developing gills anytime now:-)
AWWW I only wish I knew how to swim, sounds like fun!!
We live at the pool in the summer too. My daughter (who coincidentally is named ELYSE) loves to swim!!!
Thats awesome, better then in front of the TV
If I had the time I would love hanging out in the pool. Of course I need one first. LOL..
this picture is amazing. And so is your blog. I love the layout, I've been looking for some more faith-based blogs to add to my blog list. Thanks for your insight! i really look forward to us following e/o. Stop by when you have a chance.
Nice photo. Happy WW!
Oh you don't know how bad I wish I could spend every day in the pool!!! I'd be in Heaven! =0)
Instead, here I sit at work...
Can't blame him, we do too! Where at in Texas? I;m in Texarkana!
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