Alicia started this thought filled Tuesdays idea so I thought I would play along today.
My prayers go out to a family member of mine who has no faith base what so ever and is a position at a church working with youth. This weekend was a definite eye opener for me and again, all I can do is pray.
If there is a specific prayer request that you would like me to pray about, leave me a comment or email me! Every-so-often I look at my prayer list and pray for EACH person by name. I would love to be able to pray for anyone who needs them. No prayer is too small or too big! Prayers DO WORK!!!!
Wow that situation is incredibly sad....
For real? April Rose is a hoax? Oh my. I keep hearing across blogosphere "pray for April Rose" but I could never find her website. That kind of makes me mad... did people donate to her?
I know you're very upset about this, and that's not fair to you! I'm not nearly as upset since I just heard about "April" a couple of days ago, when she was already "born." I'm actually very interested in how this is all unfolding- someone started a blog for uncovering the truth, so that everyone can post what they know. I don't know anything, but I'm still following the new blog to watch as the story develops- I want to be sure I don't allow myself to be tricked again. You can check out the new blog at The worst of all of this is that people are now hurling accusations at those that got caught up in this and put out prayer requests (like Mckmama)- that's my bigger concern! I think this is all far from over!
sending up lots of prayers~
hugs to u ((()))
sending up lots of prayers~
hugs to u ((()))
sending up lots of prayers~
hugs to u ((()))
sending up lots of prayers~
hugs to u ((()))
I never read the blog, b/c I wasn't sure it was real. I hate saying that...but I don't trust easily. I only read blogs where people post pictures and have their names on it. I'm worried that people will take advantage of those that are willing to help.
That's crazy if it really was a hoax. I hope people didn't donate money if it was.
Hey Elyse- if you haven't already done so, I would encourage you to read either Angie or Jennifer's blogs (they are the exact same post) and see what they had to say about this issue- it gave me peace and I am now going to put this to rest- no more wondering or trying to get to the truth- it's simply over. Wishing you peace as well!
That is terrible. Praying for peace for you Elyse.
That's a very generous offer. You are always thinking and doing for others. Thank you Elyse for being so sensitive and kind.
I love that you joined in! Prayers go up to all involved in the whole April Rose thing.
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