Sunday, June 14, 2009

I want to know YOU

Due to the fact that I have several, I mean 91, followers and multiple comments each post...I want to know why YOU read my blog???? Tell me who you are & why you read...that simple.

Also...what else would you like to see on my blog???


Beth E. said...

I read your blog because you are passionate about life - your education, your career, your family, your friends, your spirituality. You are young, vibrant, kind, and loving. You love the Lord. On top of all are CUTE as a BUTTON!

What would I like to see on your blog??? about more pics of you? Or, even better, an occasional vlog post would be great! :-)

Beth E.

The Pifer's said...

I don't remember when or how I found your blog but I read your blog because you are so genuine, loving, caring, vibrant...your blog post are beautiful...encouraging...inspiring...funny. I love your blog and love following your life.

As far as what else??? I don't really know, I personally love it the way it is because its a beautiful touch of you...much maybe just more pictures of you????

Love-Hugs and Prayers-

Aunt of 14 said...

Well, ever since you found me... or did I find you? I am not sure which it was... I like reading up on news that you put on your blog. You write beautifully... wonderful poems!! You are passionate about your belief in HIM and your blog is just overall very cute. Do you want me to go away? :(

More pictures of you and your life would be great. Have you seen my mosaics?

McCrakensx4 said...

You are so silly...I have been a follower for awhile!! I love your passion for life and for God!

Tobi said...

I love your outlook. You remind me to be more patient, more kind, more thoughtful and in general just more. I love hearing that your a normal human with struggles and happy moments just like the rest of us.

Courtney Kay said...

You are such a vibrant person and have great, inspiring posts!

I am just a college student, in the beautiful mess that God has given me!

Lorie said...

You are a sweetheart!

The Drama Mama said...

Girl, you know I read!! Love & HUGS!!

Murry Mayhem said...

I agree with everyone else! Your young, but very inspiring with your outlook on life. Your blog is refreshing for some of us that are older to see that there are still parents out there teaching their children about Jesus and giving them the foundation they need.

Your an amazing young lady, and I love to hear about your journey.

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

You are a beautiful God centered women, and a wonderful prayer warrior. Oh yeah, you also battle with food allergies, like my kiddo...

Sneaky Momma said...

I like to read your blog because you have a big heart for kiddos, which reminds me of myself when I was in college. Listening to you talk about your passion for helping small children with special needs makes me think I'm listening to a tape recorder of myself before becoming a teacher. :)
Oh, and I like to read your blog because YOU'RE AWESOME!

amanda said...

first off i love the pictures on the above posts!!

second. i love your blog because your honest and make me gag about rats. :0) i'm never going to get over that. i think the first time i read your blog it was about rats and i couldn't believe you were brave enough to live WITH THEM! so in my book you're a super hero! i also love your middle name. don't get much cooler than THAT! annnnnnd you're always way encouraging to me, so i pray that i can be a blessing to you as well.
whew. hope i answered your question. i got a bit long winded!