Monday, November 24, 2008

That lightbulb that goes off

If you don't know...I tutor kiddos/college students on a weekly basis. Sometimes I ask myself why I tutor and usually answer my own question. Well tonight, I saw that light bulb go off in TWO students today and I could not be prouder. The first light bulb went off in a student who I have been working with for two years and it was amazing. The second was unexpected and taught me a valuable lesson. Take what you can get. Seriously. I never knew that someone would be so grateful and appreciative for my help. Now I know I am on the right career track and deserve to become a teacher. I love watching the light bulbs go off and seeing that "ah-ha" moment every time.

Sweet Dreams


Tobi said...

That's just cool!!!

jag said...

I'm with Tobi -- that really is "cool!" I'm a teacher and hearing you're sweet story makes me miss it. You are on the right career path, girl!

Melissa Renae said...

Cool beans. Teaching is awesome.

Nonni said...

WOW! Your story is awesome and so are YOU. I couldn't be prouder. I've always known how special you are, but you still do amaze me sometimes and you do know how to express yourself. I'm thinking that you may also have more writing in your future.
See you very soon. I love you. Nonni

Beth E. said...

Congratulations! You are making a true difference in the lives of others. We don't always get to witness those "aha moments," but know that you are planting seeds in everyone you tutor. It may take awhile for some to reap the harvest of those seeds, but it will happen.

That had to be such a gratifying experience...I'm so happy for you!


Harris Boys said...

that's great! congrats! keep it up..I'm sure you will be a fantasic teacher!